Welcome to the Quick Tutorial!

We’ve created our Quick Tutorial to demonstrate key features and functionality of STL Viewer. Please reference the collection below.

Application shortcuts

Roll the mouse wheel forward or away from you to zoom in/out the object based on pointer position.
+ Ctrl: Move mouse to zoom in/out the object.
+ Ctrl: Object will be roteted with center of rotation in mouse pointer.
+ Shift: Object will be moved like mouse is moving.

Open File

When STL Viewer is opened for first time, only Open option is available in document toolbar. Just click open icon and choose .stl file that you want to open.

After object is opened, another toolbar is available to use in the program.

There are many options that will help you to "play" with 3D object, so you can view it better. Some of them are:

Fit All

Fit All is option that will show opened 3D object in the middle of the screen and fit on whole screen.
Usefull if object is too small or you cant find the position of the opened object.

Zoom Window

Zoom Window when this button is clicked we select rectange on the object and that rectangle will be zoomed to screen.

Dynamic zoom

Dynamic zoom this option allows dynamic zooming object while left mouse button stays clicked.

Dynamic panning

Dynamic panning this option allows dynamic panning object while left mouse button stays clicked object is moved like mouse is moving.

Global panning

Global panning this option allows global object panning.


Top - 2D drawing for object frontal view.


Bottom - 2D drawing for object bottom view.


Left - 2D drawing for object left side view.


Right - 2D drawing for object right side view.

Dynamic Rotation

Dynamic Rotation - by clicking middle mouse button will be added a red dot on a mouse pointer position and that will be center for object rotation.

Reset - all previous action applied to object will be reset.

Wireframe - object will be rendered as wireframe.

Spin Center On/Off

Spin Center On/Off - add or remove spin center.

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